Seventh-Day Adventist Church

Porterville Adventist Church Porterville California



Service Groups

Street Feeders

This group feeds anyone who is hungry in Porterville. In cooperation with other churches in town, our group provides the food on the third Saturday of each month. Come help the Street Feeders provide food and drink. But as the hands of Christ, we also show them love by spending time listening and praying with them. You will see how they hunger for more than just food.

  • Time: Third Saturday, 2:00
  • Leader: Ken Speer

Sunshine Band

Residents at Sun Villa Rehab look forward to the “sunshine” brought by the voices singing familiar gospel songs and hymns. This is a mixed group of children and adults and we are not professional singers. It will bring “sunshine” to your heart too, when you see their happy faces.

  • Time: The 2nd Saturday, 2:00 p.m.
  • Location: Sun Villa Rehab
  • Leader: Todd and Karen Yost

Dorcas Fellowship

“Dorcas,” named after a caring lady in the New Testament, keeps alive the craft of quilting. It begins by piecing blocks of material into a design and ends in a finished quilt. Most are baby quilts, some are lap quilts or larger. Most are donated to Porterville Family Care for young mothers in need of warmth for their newborns. The group meets Wednesday mornings. You can learn the craft and have fun, too.

  • Time: Wednesdays, 9:00 – 11:00
  • Location: Church Dorcas Room
  • Leader: Vera Kleam

Men’s Ministry

This work and fellowship group is built around the idea of finding a need and filling it. Their activities have involved yard cleaning, carpentry or just general repair to widows or anyone with a need they can fill.

  • Time: As needed
  • Leader: John Wagner

Women's Ministry

This group meets once a month for fellowship and ministry. One of their special projects is keeping contact with shut-ins. This is an open fellowship and all women and girls are welcome. Typical meetings include: Tea Cup Exchange in February, Thanksgiving Dinner in November.

  • Time: Second Sunday of each month, Usually 2 p.m.
  • Leader: Velma Motsenbocker

Health Education

The Health Education Committee focuses especially on activities and programs open to the church and the community that will help us develop more healthful lifestyles. Two major programs include a Coronary Risk Assessment (HeartBeat) with a lecture by Dr. John Scharffenberg in the Spring. Then in the fall they will present the Coronary Health Improvement Project (CHIP). Watch for dates for these programs.

  • Time: Call for time of scheduled events, 784-6031
  • Leader: Frank Baughman

For more information on any group, please call the church office: (559) 784-6031