Read Through the Bible
Reading the Bible through will give you an overview of God's dealings with mankind through the centuries. You will see the conflict between good and evil and how God has patiently been drawing us to Himself.
It is possible to read the Bible from beginning to end within one year by reading an average of 23 chapters a week. That would be just 3 chapters a day and a couple extra over the weekend. Many people begin with Genesis and work through to Revelation. If you get bogged down in the Old Testament, you might alternate between Old and New Testaments. There's no rule that says you need to read straight through the Bible.
If you would like a check sheet to check off chapters you have read, try one of the Bible reading checklists on the right. For variety you might like to use a fresh modern translation.
The "Encounter" series on the right allows you get a view of the history of salvation by reading the Scripture along with one of the five books in the "Conflict of the Ages" series: Patriarchs and Prophets, Prophets and Kings, Desire of Ages, Acts of the Apostles and Great Controversy. Print front and back on a sheet (landscape), trim 1/4 inch from each edge and fold into 3 or 4 columns as is appropriate for that schedule.
You may find a benefit by trying one of these variations during your Bible reading:
- Underline passages that have special meaning for you while you are reading. Carefully choose a marker that will not bleed through the thin Bible paper. (Christian book stores have special pens and pencils for this purpose.)
- Keep a few 3X5 (or similar) cards to jot down your thoughts as God speaks to you through the Word. Note the passage in an upper corner, and then write out in a few words the ideas to describe the new understanding that comes to mind.